Saturday, March 05, 2011

Shifting Gears

With that post below, my series on the CBS A.L.-only auction results concludes...just in time for the LABR A.L.-only auction tonight. For the first time, the auction will be broadcast on Sirius radio and results will be tracked live online.

With the CBS write-ups complete, I'm going to give my readers an opportunity to drive the content of the blog. Please post any questions or suggestions for what you'd like to see next in the comments section below this post.

See you all next week.

1 comment:

Frank said...

I've been tracking the auction day spending in the various 12-team AL-only keeper leagues I play in and have noticed that a significant amount of money is being left on the table every year (usually by the same handful of teams). For example, in one of my leagues, here is the four-year history of the unspent dollars:

2010: $55 unspent
2009: $82 unspent
2008: $86 unspent
2007: $55 unspent

I try hard to spend every dollar available to me, and in last year's auctions, I spent aggressively early because I assumed at least one of my opponents would have excess money available in the end game. Are there any other strategies I might use to exploit this situation? Should I adjust my bids?

Thanks for your work! It's making me a better player.