Tonight I'm going to revisit one of the bigger FAAB buys from earlier in the year, see how accurate my comment was, and review the bids.
I should do this more often. There's often a lot of discussion surrounding what to bid for a player in the Rotisserie community but seldom an audit or accounting of what we actually did.
Date: May 18
Player: Nolan Reimold
Winning bid: $12
Other bids: $7, $7, $6, $5.
What I said: I like these bids better than the (Aaron) Cunningham bid ($17) simply because Reimold seems to have a clearer opportunity to play every day, even if he doesn't have the ceiling that Cunningham does. Since Luke Scott's been out, Reimold's played every day and should continue to get regular time as the O's try and decide if he fits into their long term plans. He's not young, and the numbers he put up at Double-A last year were during his 24-year-old season, but Reimold was tearing into AAA pitching this year and deserved a shot. His best case scenario is probably the same as the guy he's replacing, Luke Scott: a decent power bat who might be overextended a little bit as an everyday player but who could have just enough power for a team to overlook that. He hasn't done much yet, but I think he can win himself an everyday job if he hits.
YTD Stats: 209 AB, 60 H, 9 HR, 27 RBI, 6 SB, .287 BA
Earnings (on pace): $14
Reimold's certainly been solid and certainly does look like he fits into the O's every day plans. He did fade in July, with zero HR and a relatively limp 710 OPS, but he kept the batting average solid and shouldn't disappear entirely. Reimold's going to need the power to return down the stretch to keep the earnings on the $14 pace, but it looks like he was a good FAAB buy. I was one of the teams that bid in single digits at the time and thought I should have been more aggressive as soon as I saw the winning bid. It turns out that I was right.
1 comment:
The winning bidder in my league spent $21 on Reimold. He's been in first place for months. That same week, I won Cunningham for $6, but bid only $10 on Reimold.
As someone who bought Pie at auction for $5, I've noticed that Pie has lately been stealing a few more outfield ABs per week.
Since I also bought Delmon Young, Ben Francisco, and Grady Sizemore, my OF has been a bit of a disaster this season. It looked good on paper in April.
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